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Here's why you should be scared of littering in front of Gurgaon auto drivers

Posted: Jun 18, 2016
By : Anil Manchanda
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Hard pressed for staff and resources, the Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon (MCG) has devised a unique way to keep a check on dumping garbage in the open and wastage of water in the city. The MCG has trained over a hundred auto drivers to report such incidents to the authorities. The Red Cross Society has also been roped in for the drive.

All an auto driver has to do is click a picture of people dumping waste in the open on his mobile phone and send them to MCG.

MCG has planned to get more auto drivers in the loop. The drivers would also be trained on how to file the complaint. Over time, all auto drivers would keep an eye on such people and the administration would take action against them.

MCG Commissioner, TL Satyaprakash said, “The entire process would be headed by the nodal officer of Red Cross Society. We have taken the black autos in loop in the first go, and then the CNG autos would be involved, followed by e-rickshaws. Moreover, we will fix an incentive for auto drivers. The driver who files a complaint would get a certain percentage of the fine imposed.”

According to Shyam Sunder, nodal officer of Red Cross Society, the authorities can issue a challan to any resident or commercial unit for wasting potable water. Residents can be fined Rs 200 for the first time and later, up to Rs 5,000. In severe cases, the authorities can even disconnect the water connection. There would be a ban on polythene bags and burning garbage as well.

Water wastage is a common sight in the city. People use potable water for washing cars, maintaining green belt area or washing their terrace. The city is running short of 20 million gallons of water per day. Authorities feel that if residents stopped wasting water, this shortage could easily be compensated.

Meera Balachandran, a resident of Sector 40, said, “On one hand, some residents complain that they do not have enough water supply to meet their daily requirement. On the other hand, one can see people washing their cars or terrace in the morning. I think authorities need to be stricter in handling such cases.”

On Wednesday, a meeting was held between the Red Cross Society and the auto association of Gurgaon. It was decided to implement the plan in phases. Over a 100 drivers have been trained in the first phase and the subsequent phases will see more auto drivers being involved.

“We have been told to click pictures of people dumping garbage in the open, wasting water and burning garbage, and post it on the app. The procedure of uploading pictures has been explained in detail. The authorised officer can also make surprise visits to the sectors and markets, and impose fine on the defaulter depending upon the nature of the offence,” said a trainee driver.


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