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A walk you wouldn’t want to remember

Posted: May 27, 2016
By : Rohit Kumar
One of the garbage collection points adjacent to the park.
Photo : Rohit Kumar

Parks are often the best place to go for morning walks. The freshness in the air is rejuvenating and the benefits to health are no secret. But what if the air there begins to smell of filth and a foul smell greets its visitors? Quite unlikely.

But, not at the district park in Mayur Vihar Phase I Extension that is located near Ashiana, Dronacharya, Vardhman, Kirti, Lovely, United India and Samachar Apartments.

This park is surrounded by three garbage collection points. The walls of two of these structures are broken and have exposed the garbage to visitors at the park.

According to residents in the aforementioned apartments, garbage collection is irregular and those who come for morning walks suffer the most. The stench emanating from the garbage collection points often compels them to go to Sector 14, Noida, for walks, which is about four kilometres from their apartments.

Dr DK Bhardwaj, president of Ashiana Apartments, said, “Most of us go there to breathe in fresh morning air but the deplorable condition of the garbage collection centres and poor maintenance of park is a huge put off.”

S Banerjee, a resident of Samachar Apartments, said, “Earlier, I used to take one full round of the park, but now due to the filth and stench here, I just take half a round and have limited the timing of my morning walk and exercise.”

When City Spidey contacted Akshay Singh Rana, sanitary inspector of the area, he said, “The area under me is vast and my team has to collect garbage from other places too. This results in collecting garbage from these centres possible on alternate days only.” Speaking of the broken walls in the garbage collection points, he said, “I have already written several letters to the junior engineer concerned of East Delhi Municipal Corporation.”

But RK Singh, the junior engineer, said, “The repair work of the walls of the garbage collection centres cannot be started due to lack of funds. The work will be started as soon as we get funds from the Delhi Government.”


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