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What message are we giving the cyclists of the city?

Posted: Apr 05, 2016
By : Avishek Dubey
The culvert on the cycle track lies in disrepair
Photo : Samrat Roy

Cycle tracks in Noida are in a sorry state, thanks to Noida Authority's apathy.

Authority officials seem to have lost interest in the much-touted plan of making Noida a cycle-friendly city. 

A steel culvert, part of a cycle track in Sector 19, is testimony to this neglect. The steel has corroded and fallen in, leaving gaping holes in the structure. Cycling over the culvert would mean suicide.

Reena Bajaj, a cycling enthusiast from Sector 39, is disappointed with the condition of cycle tracks in the city. She told City Spidey that the damaged culvert has forced her to change her regular cycling route.

In the past three years, Noida Authority has spent a whopping Rs 49 crore to develop cycle tracks across the city. But with poor upkeep, all the money seems to have gone down the drain.

When City Spidey took up the issue with the project engineer of the Authority, SC Mishra, he had the stock reply: He was aware of the issue and the steel culvert would be renovated soon.



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