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Greater Noida Authority encourages cyclists

Posted: Mar 21, 2016
By : Ajay Kushbah

Greater Noida Authority has geared up to encourage bicyclists. In an attempt to curb pollution, it has decided to develop new cycle tracks in the city. 

Anand Mohan, senior project manager of Greater Noida Authority, said that the development of a 7-km-long cycle track has been started from LG Chowk. The track will pass through Tughalpur and connect to the Expressway. The estimated cost of the project is Rs 7.75 crore. The Authority has already developed cycle tracks in Knowledge Park I and Knowledge Park II.

President of the federation of Greater Noida RWAs, Elam Singh Nagar, told City Spidey that although a number of people are switching to cycles as their means of commuting, the city lacks proper tracks. 

Rajesh Bhati, a resident of Sector Gamma 1 and a regular cyclist, said, "I was hit by a car while cycling the other day. I am glad the Authority is planning to develop more cycle tracks."


(PHOTO CREDIT: Ajay Kushbah)


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