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Double trouble at Bharat Vandana Apartments, Dwarka

Posted: Aug 03, 2016
By : Akhilesh Pandey
Photo shows garbage accumulated on the footpath near the gate of the society.
Photo : Akhilesh Pandey

Residents of Bharat Vandana Apartments, Sector 19, Dwarka, are not a happy lot these days. A footpath that caved in over a storm water drain along the society’s boundary wall two weeks ago has not been repaired yet. Secondly, poor garbage collection and disposal by the corporation have led to the accumulation of filth near the main gate of the society.

According to the residents and the RWA of the society, neither is the DDA bothered about the footpath nor is the South Delhi Municipal Corporation about the garbage that has accumulated on the footpath from the main gate till the corner of the society.

Sunil Sareen, joint secretary of Dwarka Forum, said, “This [footpath] caved into the storm water drain and disaster is waiting to happen. We informed the DDA about it and they have put a tin shed (barricade) around the area. But this is not the solution as the whole area is open and anybody can fall in it.”

Prabhat Singh, president of the RWA, said, “Sanitation is at its worst in the area these days. The corporation is not clearing the garbage properly. Now after the rains, the whole area has become dirty and is stinking. This is extremely unhygienic. We have complained to the persons concerned in the corporation but the garbage is still there.”

However, a sanitary official told City Spidey, “The subject [accumulation of garbage] was not in our knowledge. The garbage will be cleared by tomorrow. I request the residents to please let us know of such problems. They would be resolved immediately.”

About the broken footpath, one of the DDA officials, on condition of anonymity, said, “The subject is in our knowledge and we have sent the proposal for repairing it. We have already put a barricade there. The portion will be repaired soon.”


Photo shows the barricade that was put up around the area where the footpath caved in to the drain.


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