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PHOTO KATHA: Gurgaon or Venice?

Posted: Jul 29, 2016
By : Anil Manchanda
Photo : Anil Manchanda

G-Towners wished they hadn't left home yesterday. After just two hours of rain in the city last afternoon, Gurgaon was reeling from waterlogged streets, a 25-km-long traffic jam on NH8 and a straight 18 hours on the road, some even spending the night on the streets, unable to move in any direction.  

It was Gurgaon's worst monsoon nightmare yet. Take a look:


WHAT BRINGS GURGAON TO A STANDSTILL? Just two hours of rain, apparently


SNAIL'S PACE: Cars seen lined up on NH8. 


ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST: Several heavy vehicles were seen trapped in slush.


SUB-MARINE: A scene from Millennium City after yesterday's downpour.


ALL THAT YOU CAN'T LEAVE BEHIND: Time to get a boat?


WHAT A NIGHT! Commuters spent a sleepless night caught in a 25-km-long traffic jam for 18 hours on NH8.


IN MURKY WATERS: For those who are wondering, there is a road under the water.


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