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EDMC launches anti-mosquito awareness operation

Posted: Jul 05, 2016
By : Praveen Dwivedi
Photo : Akash Mishra

East Delhi Municipality Corporation (EDMC) on Monday launched an "anti-dengue and anti-malaria" operation to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes. The operation was launched at the EDMC headquarters in Patparganj. 

"We will eradicate mosquitoes from all residential societies," said EDMC mayor Satya Sharma. "The role of RWAs will be crucial to making this operation a success.”

RWA representatives in Vasundhara Enclave and Mayur Vihar have welcomed the move. A senior representative in Overseas Apartments under the Vasundhara Enclave RWA said that even though the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) was a bit late in taking the initiative — as the monsoons have already arrived — it was a good move.

JP Sharma, general secretary, Joint Forum, Vasundhara Enclave RWA, said, “We welcome this initiative by the EDMC to create awareness among the people.” However, he asserted that their RWA was yet to receive any message from the civic body about the programme.

As per plan, EDMC, with the help of RWAs and other public bodies, will organise camps to spread awareness among residents. Satya Sharma said, “Citizens will be informed about what measures to take to curb the breeding of mosquitoes and stem the spread of disease.” 

She further said that a door-to-door programme will be launched, in which a team will visit every house to keep a check on mosquito-breeding.

It seems that the civic body has learnt a lesson from the many dengue cases that had stunned the city last year. According to a report shared by EDMC, 3,138 cases of dengue were reported in East Delhi alone. In comparison, about 31 dengue cases were reported by June 2 this year. And out of the 31, only one was reported from East Delhi.  



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